Alakam's good advice

1 time = Bulbasuar or Squirtle

2 time = Squirtle

3 time = Charmander

4+ times = Charmander, Bulbasuar or Squirtle

Q.Which game color should I pick?

A. Ask your friends what game colors they have and keep tallie marks. More Reds and you should get Blue so you can trade pokemon from different versions. If more have Blue get Red. That way its easier to get all the pokemon beacause some pokemon are only on Red and some are only on Blue.

Q.What fossil should I get in MT. Moon?

A. What did your friends pick? If they got the helix fossil then get the dome fossil. If they got the dome fossil get the helix fossil.

Q. How should I evolve Eevee?

A.For this get 2 other friends who haven't evolved there Eevee or have but they have different ones. Now have one get a Jolteon, one get a flareon. and you get Vaporean or do it the other way around. Now trade.

Q. How do I get all three starting pokemon?

A. The answer is in  Charmander's cheat codes .

Q. Should I get Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan?

A. If a friend has Hitmonlee get Hitmonchan.  If he has Hitmonlee Get Hitmonchan . Now trade.

If further questions are asked by you please email them to me at [email protected].